Hey all!
Since our announcement I’ve been sorely tempted to just sit on social media (ps like twitter.com/fracturedlands and follow facebook.com/fracturedlandsgame), and the steam forums, but I promise you I will not neglect writing blogs for this game in development! Here is one of those primary attempts!
One of our goals when making Fractured Lands was to give the world a post-apocalyptic feel in everything we could manage to do. Our weapons are no exception, and we have amazing people working on each and every one of them, including attachments for each to give it that flair of make-shift “do what you can to survive” style.
For example, we have an updated design to our “pistol” fitted out in a couple attachments here:
Let us know what you think! As we enter Beta with this and other weapons, give us your feedback on the designs and what other weapons and attachments you’d like to see.
Now a quick update on Beta! We’re doing great with sign-ups and we are so thankful that so many people are looking to try the game out! If you have signed up, but didn’t get an invite, chances are you didn’t yet confirm your email address. You will need to do this before we can send the invite, so check your junk/spam folders and look for an email from Unbroken Studios that asks you to verify your email address. Then anxiously await that Beta key!
My future dream is a pistol scheme
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Hi Robert! On the pistol, with the spiked front.. is that for extra melee damage (as in, it’s a special attachment) or is it part of the normal skin/look?
What are the attachments on that pistol to be specific! I see the supressor for sure
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The spike part is part of the normal skin, some weapons will look ‘more dangerous’ because of the parts that had to be used to put it together, such is the end of the world.
PermalinkWe’ll reveal more about each attachment in a later blog!